Friday, October 07, 2005

Caps lose to Thrashers, 7-3

When the weather goes bad in DC, driving in this town sucks. After enduring bad traffic on the 14th Street Bridge, I get home and throw some brats in the microwave and pull on my Caps jersey and fight the remote from my wife, just in time to see Peter Bondra score. Normally that would get my arms pumping and screaming like crazy, but this time it was for another team. My wife laughed at me, "You look so confused, isn't a bad thing you get scored against." Then the little graphic appeared on the bottom of the screen, "Bondra has scored a goal against every NHL team." That is just great (sarcasm alert)!

The Capitals loss can be contributed to penalties, the first 4 goals the Thrashers scored were powerplays. Give a talented team like Atlanta powerplays, they are going to bury you every time. The positive is the Thrashers couldn't score at full strength (until late in the game). Kolzig looked way too good to be on a young team, those are saves that need to be complimented with great offense. I didn't care much for pulling the goaltender after your already down 3 goals. What are you accomplishing Hanlon?

Overall grade for the Caps tonight: D+

Washington Post covers the loss and Bondra's return to DC in Atlanta clothing.

Caps play the Thrashers again Saturday night, Brent Johnson gets the nod in net. He should be a pleasant surprise as Kolzig's back up. Caps have to stay out of the penalty box to make it a game.

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