Wednesday, June 30, 2010

On Extended Hiatus

It has become even more apparent that it will be harder and harder for me to update my blog. Which is a shame, because for the last 5 years I have poured my heart into it. I never wrote this blog for anyone but for myself really. It has been nice to see regular readers and have good arguments and conversations about the sport we all love.

But like it has been said, all good things must come to an end.

I have tried to make it work and set aside time to update and give my thoughts about the team and the NHL in general, but unfortunately there just is not the time I have had before. I am happy at the work I have done here. And if things change with the demands on my job and life, I may return.

But for now it is good-bye. I will maintain the website for those who wish to recap some of my greatest work (which is every post I have ever written!!!). And I will be around at Caps' practices, games and some team functions.

I do want to give the Caps media relations crew a shout out. I am not sure what possessed you guys to give me free reign to the locker room, games and to the team, but I appreciate the insight and it has made me understand the NHL in ways I could not fathom before. Thanks.

And to my brethren (and sisteren) of bloggers, keep up the fantastic work. I read your posts and blogs nearly every day and I feel like I have laughed, cheered and cried along with you guys. Some of the guys I truly respect (I am just realizing) I really have never had the chance to know you better outside the blogosphere.

I may update from time to time. I will always be Rock'n the Red and cheering my favorite chant, "Let's Go Caps!"

We will get that Cup boys, I have faith.

See ya around.


Caps_Girl said...

This makes me sad, but it is certainly understandable. I hope you don't give up tweeting, especially during games.

DCSportsChick said...

Sorry to hear that, but I definitely understand. Best of luck to you.

Mia said...

I hear you loud and clear on the time problem. I have the same struggle, but thanks for all the great reading and GO CAPS...all the way to Stan.