Friday, January 14, 2011

You Make The Call - Was it Offside?

Was Daniel Sedin's game winning goal offside? It appeared that way to me. Let me state my case through the majesty of photo evidence taken from the Comcast Sportsnet Mid Atlantic's feed.

First lets take a look at Chimera getting poked checked by Jannik Hansen. That is reason enough to probably miss what is happening at the top left of the screen at the Vancouver bench. What you will see is #15 Tanner Glass heading to the bench to make a change with D. Sedin who is rushing off the bench after seeing the turn-over in the neutral zone (through the pics keep your eye on #15 at the top of the screen):

In the next shot you will see Glass not off the ice and inside the Caps' zone. Even if Glass is going off the ice and within reach of the door, he is still technically offside before the puck enters the zone:

Next shot shows two things: 1) Glass is still on the ice and still inside the Caps' zone and 2) the referee is right there to see the whole thing, which means the linesman should be on the opposite wall and should make the call that the play is offside. He should be looking at Glass and realizing he is on the ice and inside the zone before the puck crosses the blue line:

The last shot is Sedin in the clear on a break away scoring what would be the deciding game winning goal.

You make the call, was it off side?


Dave Nichols said...

looks to me like Mike Green is out of position and trying to check a player that gave up the puck way before Green got there.

oh, and Glass was offsides.

nice work with the screengrabs.

Anonymous said...

not offside, its not like glass was involved in the play the guy was changing and this is only an issue because of the way the verizon centre is setup, bad bad breakdown by the caps though

Anonymous said...

lol you're kidding right? Glass was not in play. Sorry Puckhead but you loose a lot of credibility when you post this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it makes no difference at all whether Glass was "in the play" or not -- that matters for a too many men on the ice penalty. The rules on this are clear, if he's on the ice, in the zone ahead of the puck, it's offside. So don't talk about Puckhead losing credibility, you're the one who doesn't know the rules on offside. See NHL Rule 83.1.

Anonymous said...

Your screengrab is not hi-def enough to tell whether Glass' skate is on the ice or not, which is the crucial question here.

JR said...

Interesting, got any ref friends that can clarify? My gut says that it's not offside because he's coming off the ice. Clearly they don't make a player get 100% off the ice before his replacement is allowed to be there, so by that logic he has been replaced and is not involved in the play, therefore not on the ice.

Garrett said...

Some good points raised, I like it.

In my experience, both playing and watching as many games as I have, this particular play is called off-sides a lot in college play and lower levels (possibly because the rinks are different college to college).

It is called less in the NHL for some reason. Every ice rink in the pros must meet the exact same specifications. In other words, everyone (players, coaches and officials) knows the far bench door is inside the zone in every rink in the NHL. I have seen it called before in the NHL, but it is not enforced rigidly (kinda like the goaltenders playing the puck outside the trapezoid behind the net).

The off-sides rule is clear of any gray area in the NHL book, but as I suspect, if the linesman thinks you are out of the play than it's not worth the whistle.