Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Much Needed Break

Sorry about the short absence, but I just got the NHL Network and have been spending my time mesmerized by the wonder and awesomeness of my television. Look at the pretty TV, it's interested in hockey as much as you are, whoooooooaaaaa. Uh-em, anyway.

Plus I have been going through a blogger crisis. It's what every blogger goes through at some point where you consider just not writing a blog. It's too hard, or I would much rather sleep, or who is that strange lady at the end of my couch, oh yea that's my wife. Plus the holiday season is upon us and soon I will be going to fabulous parties and missing much more games not to mention a big trip to Minnesota the week of Christmas. So blogging will be far and few between during this very busy and festive time of year.

Okay, now that is out of the way, Tomas Fleischmann and Jeff Schultz are going to try their hand at coaching. Youth hockey that is and only for a day. The pair will be at Fort Dupont to teach the tricks of the trade to youth players (no, not how to not score, that is an awful thought, shame on you). That happens this evening at 6 p.m.

Addressing some of the Alex Ovechkin might not play here next year rumors. Okay that is just not going to happen, because it doesn't matter what the league may offer Ovie to sail away, the Capitals do have the right to match it to keep him. But if some genius (like a Kevin Lowe) decides to make an outlandish offer for the forward, the Caps could be handcuffed cap wise with the weight of Ovechkin's contract. It would almost ensure that Ovie would be skating with a lot of twenty and twenty one year olds for some time before his is a free agent.

No one quite knows what the real story is however with a contract extension. With McPhee tight lipped and Ovie's "I speak no english/I have no agent" until a something is on paper I don't think anyone will know what is going on. Hence everyone has their own opinion on the matter and rumors abound. Listening to XM Satellite Radio Home Ice, every Canadian team's fan wishes they had Ovechkin on their team. Funny how they aren't that wild about Sid "the Kid" Crosby.

Jakub Klepis is going back to Europe, which is good for the young forward. He didn't earn a contract and the Capitals retain his rights. But at some point I look for that to be traded along with Ben Clymer at some point. Both toughed it out, and both are not getting rewarded with the big club. It all boils down to not enough room.

That is all I have for now....

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