Friday, September 08, 2006

Hockey Around The Corner

It’s a great time to be a blogger for hockey. Teams are beginning to show up for camp, players are revisiting their old haunts. And all the off season trades and signings have observers like us buzzing with dreams of post season greatness.

Instead of chatting about mindless non-news the bloggers have a chance to talk more about the actual game. It’s a dawning of a new season that makes us giddy like school girls asked to dance for the first time.

No more will we dazzle you with boring youtube videos of the same goals over and over. No more will hockey bloggers complain about the latest signings or non-signings or bad trades. No more will you see yet another Alex Ovechkin montage that inevitably leads to “the goal.”

Now it’s time for us to sign on and tell you how ready our teams are to kick everyone’s butt. It’s that nervous anticipation for camp to start like a nervous first time father in the waiting room waiting to be told if it’s a boy or a crappy team.

The Capital’s camp officially starts September 15th. Circled on my calendar with a red marker that rivals the circle around my anniversary (don’t tell my wife). Caps fans have a lot to talk about, and surprisingly it’s not all about Alex Ovechkin.

How will Brian Pothier fit into the new scheme? Which prospect will step up this year and make the team for good? How will the Hershey Bears championship in the AHL last year affect the Capitals this year? And of course who will be the Caps new captain?

While all of those will be answered after the first couple of games the Caps play, the biggest question will be if this team is a contender. Ovechkin has already set the goal of making the playoffs this season, and it remains to be seen if this team has improved to that standard.

All these questions are swirling around in the mind of the hockey blogger about their respective teams. They are starting to spill them out on their pages. Now we are talking about hockey, not just the lack there of.

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